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Little Blue Research, Ltd. Collaborates with the following organisations

A Bird's Eye View Logo

A strategic business and marketing consultancy working at the intersection of commercial, social and sustainable development. A Bird’s Eye View helps existing and new organisations define their role and relevance in society, and build a more differentiated, sustainable and impactful business.

More about ABEV

eftec logo

eftec conduct sound economic analysis, measuring what is conventionally not measured. Their aim is to provide comprehensive, high quality and clear evidence to support decision making. They have six service areas: accounting for natural capital, appraisal & evaluation, chemicals policy, economic valuation, policy design and training & guidance.

More about eftec

globalbalance logo

Globalbalance provide bespoke consulting services to companies, investors and civil society on biodiversity risks and opportunities. Globalbalance supports companies and civil society to work together to address some of the key challenges of our age. Their agenda is to help ensure that progress is made in halting the global loss of nature. 

More about Globalbalance

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