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Impact valuation of shellfish waters for the water industry


An economics consultancy requested valuation support to understand the potential environmental and social impacts of pollution events in relation to the shellfish industry.

How we helped
Little Blue Research supported the client by developing an economic model to value potential impact areas of coastal shellfisheries for a UK water company, in collaboration with the wider consultancy team. The approach included spatial data, catch estimates, ecological data and economic valuation.

Client description

UK based water company


Case study details

Main service: Impact & dependency

Sector: Utilities

Assessment location: UK

on the day before my wedding with my friends at “Mittag”.jpg



• Linking changes in the quality of marine habitats with changes in shellfish catch.

• Updating the economic model to include value of protected areas, ill health due to drinking water contamination and construction work disruption.


• An economic model to value the impact of waters designated as 'shellfish coastal waters'.

• A methodology detailing the development of the model, all assumptions caveats and how it could be used.

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